Trade has changed and green goals are a relevant part of domestic
and international expansion strategies

The International Green Trade & Commerce Association (IGTCA) promotes sustainable economic and social development. To achieve this, we work closely with our members and partners from the private and public sector, and any other organisation compromised with the fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We are an independent body and the one stop destination for individuals, businesses and all level organisations focused on their sustainable goals and practices, fully dedicated to trade and partner with relevant businesses with the same core interests.


The mission of the IGTCA is to spearhead a transformative shift towards sustainable business practices within the trade sector. We aim to cultivate a thriving ecosystem where green investment and practices are not only encouraged but also embraced as the cornerstone of profitability and longevity.

The association’s main goal is to promote and provide educational tools on best green initiatives and practices of the member organisations.It also offers educational programmes on sustainable initiatives and promotion of green investment, business development and green technologies.

Business is better executed through impactful connections with innovative and disruptive partners. The IGTCA gathers those organisations that think of business holistically and creatively, putting the impact of their strategies at the forefront.

Our association is dedicated to:

 1 . Advocacy and Education: We advocate for policies and regulations that incentivize and reward environmentally responsible practices. Additionally, we provide educational resources and training programs to equip businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to integrate sustainability into their operations.

 2 . Networking and Collaboration: We foster a dynamic network of industry leaders, investors, and experts to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange. Through conferences, workshops, and networking events, we create opportunities for stakeholders to share best practices, explore innovative solutions, and forge strategic partnerships.

 3 . Promoting Green Investment: We work to attract investment capital towards environmentally sustainable projects and initiatives. By showcasing the economic viability and long-term benefits of green investments, we aim to mobilize capital towards opportunities that generate both financial returns and positive environmental impact.

 4 . Setting Standards and Certifications: We develop and promote industry standards and certifications that recognize and reward businesses for their commitment to sustainability. These standards serve as benchmarks for excellence and help consumers and investors make informed choices that support environmentally responsible businesses.


The International Green Trade Commerce Association (IGTCA) envisions commerce in harmony with the environment, driving sustainable growth and inclusive practices. Businesses can be powerful agents of positive change, leading the transition towards a more sustainable and equitable global economy.

At the core of our vision lies a commitment to fostering green investment and practices that maximize returns while minimizing environmental impact through the following:

1 . Prioritizing sustainability in business as a fundamental aspect of their operations: from supply chain management to product development, sustainability considerations are integrated at every level, leading to reduced resource consumption, minimized waste, and enhanced environmental stewardship.

2 . Serving as a hub for innovation, facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices among industry leaders, investors, and experts. Through collaborative research and development initiatives, we harness the power of innovation to address pressing environmental challenges and create new opportunities for sustainable growth.

3 . Driving investment capital towards environmentally sustainable projects and initiatives, driven by a growing recognition of the financial opportunities inherent in sustainability. 

4 . Playing a pivotal role in connecting investors with impactful opportunities, catalyzing the transition towards a greener economy.

5 . Developing training certifications to set the benchmark for excellence in sustainability.

6 .Fostering a culture of collaboration and cooperation, bringing together stakeholders from diverse sectors and regions to tackle shared environmental challenges. Through collective action, we amplify our impact and drive meaningful progress towards a more sustainable future.

We are committed to serving as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring and empowering businesses to embrace sustainability as a driver of long-term success and prosperity.